Thursday, October 6, 2011

What Fibromyalgia Feels Like

Sorry I've been away.  This year has been a rollercoaster for me -- adjusting to a new, chronic diagnosis, my marriage falling apart (divorce will be final in November), having to move twice -- I'm a mess.  But I came up with a little something that might help you understand Fibromyalgia a bit better than words.  I'll get to the words later, but for now, I give you a novel in pictures.

Sorry, I couldn't figure a way to collapse them into a thumbnail gallery.  It may be as simple as getting a Picasa or Tumblr and linking from there, but as most every post relates to FMS on this page, I just don't have the energy or will to do that right now.

Let me know what you think.



  1. First, welcome back. I've missed you. In more than one way and that's NOT a gay statement, btw.

    Second, thanks for sharing this -- images and words clearly send the more powerful message of realism.

    Lastly, yeah, I have missed our jokes and our conversations about Life and the world and all the things in between.


  2. Hey Jay I think this post is pretty awesome I tried to post it on my Blog at but wasn't able to do it. I have had CFM since age 8 I know how you feel and what you are going through. I lost everything 3 time now, and statistically I think they say around 90% of us with CFM end up losing our marriages and everyone else as well to this disease. It's gross.. I have several posts on my blog about my struggles, many have the word invisible in the title or Fibromyalgia etc. I'd like to invite you to chek it out. thake good care J HR
