Thursday, October 6, 2011

What Divorce Feels Like

Following in the same vein of the last post, and expounding a bit more on my failed marriage, I give you Divorce, and What It Feels Like.

1 comment:

  1. The labels listed reveal the inner truth of a union broken apart. But they cannot underline what dwells deep inside, can they? You know -- where the heart dares to beat in spite of being splintered by the rise and fall of a marriage locked in oblivious terms of destiny.

    I cannot fully comprehend the separation of hearts on the level of a hetero-marriage but I do know all too well the separation of hearts by a common denominator ... and pain is that which makes us stronger, wiser and experienced in the values of what we endeavor to overcome in Life.

    My friend, I send to you my sincere hope that the days ahead will shine bright and the memories carry you forth rather than subdue the mind of an artist.


    Yeah, I have a way with words, you can say it.

